In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), women and girls face challenges regarding their overall menstrual health and managing (MHM) their menstrual periods with dignity due to a lack of ready access to hygienic and cost-effective MHM products. Fundamental changes in access to menstrual hygiene management (MHM) products are needed to meet the needs of women and girls in this region. MHM products’ key characteristics for women and girls include effectiveness, safety, discretion, sustainability, and affordability. Women and girls who use unhygienic alternatives for sanitary pads or tampons (such as newspapers, leaves, pieces of cloth, cow dung, and other materials) not only face health issues but also tend to miss work or school more frequently .
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- Redesigning Reusable Sanitary Pads Using The Human Centered Design Model and Triple Bottom Line Strategy
Redesigning Reusable Sanitary Pads Using The Human Centered Design Model and Triple Bottom Line Strategy
Publication Year: 2022
Contributing Organisation: Mississippi State University
Authors: Kobia C., Lumutenga N. W, and Khaitsa M. L
Learning Themes: Global Health