Person-centred care for abortion services in private facilities to improve women’s experiences in Kenya.

Publication Year: 2019
Contributing Organisation: University of California
Authors: Sun Yu Cotter, May Sudhinaraseta, and Beth Phillips
Learning Themes: Global Health

Globally, access to good quality abortion services and post-abortion care is a critical determinant for women’s survival after unsafe abortion. Unsafe abortions account for high levels of maternal death in Kenya. We explored women’s experiences and perceptions of their abortion and post-abortion care experiences in Kenya through person-centered care. This qualitative study included focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with women aged 18-35 who received safe abortion services at private clinics. Through thematic analyses of women’s testimonies, we identified gaps in the abortion care and person-centered domains which seemed to be
important throughout the abortion process. When women received clear communication and personalised comprehensive information on abortion and post-abortion care from their healthcare providers, they reported more positive experiences overall and higher reproductive autonomy.


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