Integrating a mental health intervention into PrEP services for South African young women: a human-centered implementation research approach to intervention development

Integrating a mental health intervention into PrEP services for South African young women: a human-centered implementation research approach to intervention development

Integrating a mental health intervention into PrEP services for South African young women: a human-centered implementation research approach to intervention development

Authors: Jennifer Velloza, Nomhle Ndimande-Khoza, and Lisa Mills

Publication Year: 2024

Tags: Adolescent girls, Human-centred design, Implementation science, Mental health, and Pre-exposure prophylaxis

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Using human-centered design to tackle COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy for children and youth: a protocol for a mixed-methods study in Montreal, Canada

Using human-centered design to tackle COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy for children and youth: a protocol for a mixed-methods study in Montreal, Canada

Using human-centered design to tackle COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy for children and youth: a protocol for a mixed-methods study in Montreal, Canada

Authors: Britt McKinnon, Krystelle Abalovi, and Ashley Vandermorris

Publication Year: 2022

Tags: COVID-19, Human-centred design, vaccine confidence, and Vaccine hesitancy

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Lessons learnt from applying a human-centred design process to develop one of the largest mobile health communication programmes in the world

Lessons learnt from applying a human-centred design process to develop one of the largest mobile health communication programmes in the world

Lessons learnt from applying a human-centred design process to develop one of the largest mobile health communication programmes in the world

Authors: Sara Chamberlain, Priyanka Dutt, and Radharani Mitra

Publication Year: 2022

Tags: Behavioural change communications, Digital health solutions, Health communication, and Human-centred design

Downloads: 2

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