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  • Is there a difference in women’s experiences of care with medication vs. manual vacuum aspiration abortions? Determinants of person-centered care for abortion services

Is there a difference in women’s experiences of care with medication vs. manual vacuum aspiration abortions? Determinants of person-centered care for abortion services

Publication Year: 2019
Contributing Organisation: University of California
Authors: May Sudhinaraset, Amanda Landrian, and Dominic Montagu
Learning Themes: Global Health

Little evidence exists on women’s experiences of care during abortion care, partly due to limitations in existing measures. Moreover, globally, the development and rapid growth in the availability of medication abortions (MA) has radically changed the options for safe abortions for women. It is therefore important to understand how women’s experiences of care may differ across medication and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) abortions. This study uses a validated person-centered abortion care scale (categorized as low, medium, and high levels, with high levels representing the greatest level of person-centered care) to assess women’s experiences of care undergoing medication abortions vs. MVA.


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