Post-Medication Abortion Contraception (PMAC) Project, Kenya: Market System Development Plan (MSDP) Summary

Publication Year: 2022
Contributing Organisation: IPAS
Authors: IPAS
Learning Themes: Global Health

Ipas is being supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to design interventions to better
meet the contraceptive needs and preferences of women and girls who self-manage medication
abortion outside of health facilities in Kenya. While a user-centered design and formative research
had been conducted in Kenya’s Nakuru county, the initial prototypes tested in 2021, although
promising, were not yet situated in the context of a clearer understanding of the market system to
ensure sustainability and scalability of the interventions. Therefore, Ipas hired Impact for Health
International to facilitate a design process called the Market Systems Development Plan (MSDP). The
MSDP approach adopts the Keystone Design Framework which marries an understanding of the user
with a clear grasp of the market systems. This report summarizes the milestones from the MSDP
process, from both an output and process perspective. The MSDP contains four phases: Diagnose,
Decide, Design and Deliver.

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