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  • Integrating Human-Centered Design in a Multidisciplinary Effort to Address Provider Bias: a Summary of the Beyond Bias Experience (Part 3)

Integrating Human-Centered Design in a Multidisciplinary Effort to Address Provider Bias: a Summary of the Beyond Bias Experience (Part 3)

Publication Year: 2021
Contributing Organisation: Beri,Beyond Bias,Camber Collective,Pathfinder,YLabs
Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford
Learning Themes: Measurement & Evaluation

This executive summary unpacks the use of HCD in ‘Beyond Bias’, an adolescent focused project that addresses provider bias. Along with providing an overview of the HCD methodology used, and the solutions generated by the project, this publication also reflects on the use of HCD in an ASRH project. It highlights the value additions of using human centered design, the key challenges that were faced, and important recommendations informed by project learnings. This is a good resource for designers and ASRH implementers to understand the application, benefits and limitations of the HCD process in the context of ASRH.


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Adolescent Insights
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Measurement & Evaluation
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