Do quality improvement interventions for person-centered family planning work? Evidence from Kenya.

Publication Year: 2020
Contributing Organisation: University of California
Authors: Nadia Diamond-Smith, Katie Giessler, and Meghan Munson
Learning Themes: Global Health

Quality of care for family planning, especially person-centered care, is important from a health and human-rights standpoint. Few interventions have aimed to improve person-centered family planning (PCFP) in low and middle-income countries. In this study, we tested the impact of a quality improvement (QI) intervention in Kenya on aspects of PCFP included in a validated measure of PCFP and on the overall PCFP scale.
We conducted QI cycles in three facilities providing family planning in Nairobi and Kiambu Counties, Kenya, with three facilities serving as controls. Cross-sectional baseline data was collected from 478 women receiving family planning in 2016 and end line data was collected from 640 in 2017-18.  We analysed the impact of the QI intervention on PCFP using difference-in-difference models.

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