Assessing the application of human-centered design to translational research

Publication Year: 2021
Contributing Organisation: University of Pittsburgh
Authors: Marie K. Norman, Megan E. Hamm, and Yael Schenker
Learning Themes: Measurement & Evaluation

Human-centered design (HCD) training offers the potential to improve both team processes and products. However, the use of HCD to improve the quality of team science is a relatively recent application, and its benefits and challenges have not been rigorously evaluated. We conducted a qualitative study with health sciences researchers trained in HCD methods. We aimed to determine how researchers applied HCD methods and perceived the benefits and barriers to using HCD on research teams.
We conducted 1-hour, semi-structured interviews with trainees from three training cohorts. Interviews focused on
perceptions of the training, subsequent uses of HCD, barriers and facilitators, and perceptions of the utility of HCD to science teams. Data analysis was conducted using Braun and Clarke’s process for thematic analysis.  We interviewed nine faculty and nine staff trained in HCD methods and identified four themes encompassing HCD use, benefits, challenges, and tensions between HCD approaches and academic culture.

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