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  • Designing by frontline tobacco prevention practitioners: How can Design Thinking workshop affect the development of public health strategies?

Designing by frontline tobacco prevention practitioners: How can Design Thinking workshop affect the development of public health strategies?

Publication Year: 2020
Contributing Organisation: National Cheng Kung University
Authors: Eric Chen-F Hsieh, Min-yuan Ma, and Fu-Yu Lin
Learning Themes: Global Health

Design thinking features a distinct process for probing deep problems and ensuring that the right questions are being addressed and feasible solutions proposed. Recently, Taiwan’s Health Promotion Administration took on design thinking as a method for redesigning several health-related public strategies. Although design thinking has been widely applied in several realms, more studies need to be conducted to ascertain its full effect. Therefore, this study attempts to understand how a Design Thinking Workshop could affect the development of public health strategies by using adolescent tobacco prevention as a case for research. The two-phase study included data collection and analysis for exploring the research topic. In conclusion, we found that participating in the process of a design thinking workshop helped establish a human centered mindset. Further, the workshop resulted in the formation of concrete public policies that addressed fundamental root issues of adolescent tobacco prevention.


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