Increasing Contraceptive Use Through Free Family Planning Special Days in Poor Urban Areas in Francophone West Africa

Publication Year: 2023
Contributing Organisation: IBP Network,IntraHealth International,The Challenge Initiative Francophone West Africa Hub
Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford
Learning Themes: Global Health

In francophone West Africa (FWA), contraceptive uptake remains limited, often due to geographic, economic, and social barriers. With technical support from The Challenge Initiative (TCI), municipalities and health systems implemented Family Planning Special Days (FPSDs) to improve family planning (FP) uptake and reduce high unmet need. The FPSD intervention consisted of organizing free FP services on a monthly or quarterly basis over 2 to 5 consecutive days within health facilities or sites close to the population. These events helped to educate, inform, and mobilize the community around FP and improve geographic and financial access to FP services. We describe the process of implementing FPSDs in FWA countries and analyze the results.


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