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  • Human-centered design process and solutions to promote malaria testing and treatment seeking behavior in Guyana hinterlands

Human-centered design process and solutions to promote malaria testing and treatment seeking behavior in Guyana hinterlands

Publication Year: 2021
Contributing Organisation: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
Authors: Shirley D. Yan, Joann Simpson, and Lyndsey Mitchum
Learning Themes: Global Health

Malaria is a persistent public health challenge among miners and other hard-to-reach populations in
Guyana’s hinterland, specifically in Regions 1, 7, 8, and 9. Despite an overall decrease in malaria prevalence throughout Guyana, it remains common among mining populations whose work conditions both contribute toward malaria transmission and make it difficult to seek timely, Ministry of Health (MoH) approved malaria testing and treatment services. In an effort to develop innovative approaches to address this public health challenge, an interdisciplinary team of public health professionals, designers, and mining organizations collaborated using a human-centered design (HCD) process facilitated by the USAID-funded Breakthrough ACTION Guyana project in partnership with the MoH.



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