Human-Centered Design of Mobile Health Apps for Older Adults: Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis

Publication Year: 2022
Contributing Organisation: Chulalongkorn University
Authors: Zethapong Nimmanterdwong, Suchaya Boonviriya, and Pisit Tangkijvanich
Learning Themes: Digital Health

The word “mHealth,” or “mobile health,” has been rising in popularity. A search of the term in an academic research database bears tens of thousands of results in 2020 alone. It is being studied as a medical intervention for arthritis , asthma, cancer , cardiovascular diseases , chronic kidney diseases , diabetes , multiple sclerosis , and various psychiatric diseases . The idea of health care through mobile technology indeed accounts for its reputation. The World Health Organization defines mHealth as the “medical and public health practice supported by mobile devices, such as mobile phones, patient monitoring devices, personal digital assistants, and other
wireless devices” . mHealth is often brought up together with its broader term telehealth or telemedicine, which essentially means the practice of any kind of medicine with the help of technology across the distance

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