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  • Development of Personas and Journey Maps for Artificial Intelligence Agents Supporting the Use of Health Big Data: Human- Centered Design Approach

Development of Personas and Journey Maps for Artificial Intelligence Agents Supporting the Use of Health Big Data: Human- Centered Design Approach

Publication Year: 2025
Contributing Organisation: Keimyung University
Authors: Yoon Heui Lee, Hanna Choi, and Soo-Kyoung Lee
Learning Themes: Digital Health

Since COVID-19, the new normal era has brought innovative advances in digital technology, resulting in various changes in all areas of our lives. Health care is rapidly emerging as one of the most representative and top-priority areas of advanced digital technology . Digital health is a generic term for health care–related fields that combine digital technology and medical care, including telehealth, telemedicine, mobile health, wearable
and internet of things–based health care, and big data and artificial intelligence (AI)–based health care . The purpose of digital health is to create specialized services for consumers based on data- and evidence-based judgment, and its goal is to realize precision health care  through sustainable digital transformation of health care.

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