Integrating Human-Centered Design in a Multidisciplinary Effort to Address Provider Bias: a Summary of the Beyond Bias Experience (Part 3)

Integrating Human-Centered Design in a Multidisciplinary Effort to Address Provider Bias: a Summary of the Beyond Bias Experience (Part 3)

Integrating Human-Centered Design in a Multidisciplinary Effort to Address Provider Bias: a Summary of the Beyond Bias Experience (Part 3)

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2021

Tags: behaviour change, Beyond bias, Contraception, data collection modalities among youth, HCD Insights, intervention design, prototype, and provider bias

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Designing for and with Girls: A Girl with a Plan!

Designing for and with Girls: A Girl with a Plan!

Authors: IDE.ORG

Publication Year: 2020

Tags: A girl with a plan, Adolescents 360, Benin, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Contraception, Customer journey, Design, Design for girls, Diva Centers, Divine Divas, Effective HCD, Ethiopia, HCD in ASRH, HCD Insights, Health Systems, Kenya, Population Services International, Research Brief, Sub-Saharan Africa, Sustainable design, Value of HCD, and Youth Integration.

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Integrating Human-Centered Design in a Multidisciplinary Effort to Address Provider Bias: The Beyond Bias Experience

Integrating Human-Centered Design in a Multidisciplinary Effort to Address Provider Bias: The Beyond Bias Experience

Integrating Human-Centered Design in a Multidisciplinary Effort to Address Provider Bias: The Beyond Bias Experience

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2021

Tags: behaviour change, Beyond bias, Contraception, data collection modalities among youth, HCD Insights, intervention design, prototype, and provider bias

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