Integrating Human-Centered Design in a Multidisciplinary Effort to Address Provider Bias: a Summary of the Beyond Bias Experience (Part 3)

Integrating Human-Centered Design in a Multidisciplinary Effort to Address Provider Bias: a Summary of the Beyond Bias Experience (Part 3)

Integrating Human-Centered Design in a Multidisciplinary Effort to Address Provider Bias: a Summary of the Beyond Bias Experience (Part 3)

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2021

Tags: behaviour change, Beyond bias, Contraception, data collection modalities among youth, HCD Insights, intervention design, prototype, and provider bias

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Integrating Human-Centered Design in a Multidisciplinary Effort to Address Provider Bias: The Beyond Bias Experience

Integrating Human-Centered Design in a Multidisciplinary Effort to Address Provider Bias: The Beyond Bias Experience

Integrating Human-Centered Design in a Multidisciplinary Effort to Address Provider Bias: The Beyond Bias Experience

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2021

Tags: behaviour change, Beyond bias, Contraception, data collection modalities among youth, HCD Insights, intervention design, prototype, and provider bias

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Aligning Contraception with Family and Life Goals of Married Adolescent Girls in Northern Nigeria: The Case of Matasa Matan Arewa

Aligning Contraception with Family and Life Goals of Married Adolescent Girls in Northern Nigeria: The Case of Matasa Matan Arewa

Aligning Contraception with Family and Life Goals of Married Adolescent Girls in Northern Nigeria: The Case of Matasa Matan Arewa

Authors: Christine Massawe, Heran Birhanu, Melat Gebregiorgis, Samuel Ombs, Seun Taylor

Publication Year: 2021

Tags: A360, Adolescence in Nigeria, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Contraception, Design, Global Health, HCD, Matasa Matan Arewa, Northern Nigeria, PSI, SRH, and Youth Integration.

Downloads: 2

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