Community call summary: generating adolescent insights for ASRH using HCD
On this call, we explored the question: how might human-centred design facilitate the process of gathering and using informative insights from youth?

Reflections on the HCDExchange journey so far with MaqC Eric Gitau
HCDExchange director MaqC Eric Gitau reflects on the HCDExchange journey so far and what lies ahead in 2021.

Community Call 3: Reflections, Discussions and Learning Questions on HCD+ASRH
Our final community call for the year was a reflection on our work in 2020, and an introduction to some of the HCDExchange’s priorities for 2021.

HCDExchange at the Reproductive Health Network Kenya Conference
On December 3, 2020, The HCDExchange team participated at the Reproductive Health Network Kenya (RHNK) Annual Conference on sexual and reproductive health. Check out the three key takeaways from the HCDExchange panel on youth integration in HCD+ASRH programming