Resource Library

Our Resource Library is a knowledge bank with research articles, program summaries, technical briefs, and reports on HCD and AYSRH, global and public health topics. It is easily searchable, based on learning themes, country, region, or document type. Register as a member and log in to save your favorites and keep track of your downloads. Have a resource to share with the community?

Showing 294 Results

Cas d’étude sur la vaccination contre la polio

Authors: Aissatou Dione

Publication Year: 2020

Tags: Dimagi and YUX

Downloads: 0

Cas d’étude sur la santé menstruelle

Authors: Siri Tellier and Maria Hyttel

Publication Year: 2020

Tags: UI and UX

Downloads: 0

SANté reproductive des Adolescent·es et jeunes du Sénégal

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2021

Tags: Adolescent girls and young women, Contraception, family planning, and reproductive health

Downloads: 0

Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Youth in Senegal

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2021

Tags: Adolescent girls and young women, Contraception, family planning, and reproductive health

Downloads: 0

Améliorer l’accès des jeunes et adolescent.e.s aux droits à la santé sexuelle et reproductive

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2022

Tags: Adolescent girls and young women, Contraception, family planning, reproductive health, and sexual reproductive health

Downloads: 0

Improving access to sexual and reproductive health rights for Ivorian youth and adolescents

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2022

Tags: Adolescent girls and young women, Contraception, family planning, reproductive health, and sexual reproductive health

Downloads: 2

DMPA SC en auto-injection : Une nouvelle frontière pour améliorer l’accès et l’utilisation des contraceptifs pour les femmes.

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2019

Tags: Contraception, family planning, and reproductive health

Downloads: 0

Self-injected subcutaneous DMPA: A new frontier in advancing contraceptive access and use for women.

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2019

Tags: Contraception, family planning, and reproductive health

Downloads: 2

Coûts et coût-efficacité du DMPA sous-cutané à travers différents canaux de prestation

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2019

Tags: Contraception, family planning, and reproductive health

Downloads: 0

Introduction au UX et Human Centered Design.

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2021

Tags: Human-centered design, User Experience, UX, and UX and Human centered design

Downloads: 6

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