Understanding how they really feel: Lesson learned from four approaches to soliciting user preferences for new contraceptive products in development

Understanding how they really feel: Lesson learned from four approaches to soliciting user preferences for new contraceptive products in development

Understanding how they really feel: Lesson learned from four approaches to soliciting user preferences for new contraceptive products in development

Authors: Aurélie Brunie and Rebecca Callahan

Publication Year: 2024

Tags: Acceptability, Contraception, family planning, Market research, and User preferences

Teaching critical thinking about health information and choices in secondary schools: human-centred design of digital resources

Teaching critical thinking about health information and choices in secondary schools: human-centred design of digital resources

Teaching critical thinking about health information and choices in secondary schools: human-centred design of digital resources

Authors: Sarah Rosenbaum, Jenny Moberg, and Faith Chesire

Publication Year: 2024

Tags: critical health literacy, critical thinking, educational design, health education, Human-centred design, infodemic, and informed decision making

Influencing Behaviour Change for Increased AYSRH Service Uptake Among Ugandan Youth using Human Centered Design

Influencing Behaviour Change for Increased AYSRH Service Uptake Among Ugandan Youth using Human Centered Design

Influencing Behaviour Change for Increased AYSRH Service Uptake Among Ugandan Youth using Human Centered Design

Authors: Christopher Meraiyebu

Publication Year: 2019

Tags: Behavior change, Behavior change for increased sexual and reproductive health, and Using human-centered design in the programming of adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health

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