Leveraging an HCD approach to explore private sector access for PrEP for HIV prevention services for AGYW in Lesotho

Leveraging an HCD approach to explore private sector access for PrEP for HIV prevention services for AGYW in Lesotho

Learnings from this project can be used to more effectively de-medicalize and destigmatize products across the entire HIV continuum of care, as well as other diseases. Focusing on the entire user journey, from end-to-end, can help countries, partners, and donors design more appropriate, relevant, and accessible products and processes that enhance uptake and adoption, leading to better health outcomes. Whenever possible, future projects and programs should seek to incorporate HCD lessons and insights from previous work to improve scale but also ensure that local needs and specific populations are tailored to.

Community call summary: Integrating HCD into AYSRH Practice: Lessons from the HCDExchange Fellowship Program

Community call summary: Integrating HCD into AYSRH Practice: Lessons from the HCDExchange Fellowship Program

HCD may appear to be a fuzzy process and the best mind set one should have is to be explorative, curious and open minded. Seek to empathize and understand the real needs. Fall in love with problem – not the solution. Also, experiment continuously through rapid prototyping (test – fail / win – learn – test again). Lastly, collaboration is important. Talking to and involving a broad number of users and stakeholders is important as it allows you to bake-in scalability by making the solution “fit for purpose” to other entities to adopt.

Fellowship Learning & Reflections 2: David Mireri, PS Kenya/Adolescents360

Fellowship Learning & Reflections 2: David Mireri, PS Kenya/Adolescents360

I think human-centred design gives you thee opportunity to have a deeper understanding and reflection of the target audience. So through research and the synthesis of the insights you’ve gathered, along with your own reflection based on the understanding of the target audience you can identify the design opportunities that really resonate with them. This process really brings out the magic of how the solution you come up with, can really resonate well with the target audience.

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