Identifying Power Dynamics Among Target Audiences and Influencers in the Project Design Process

Identifying Power Dynamics Among Target Audiences and Influencers in the Project Design Process

Identifying Power Dynamics Among Target Audiences and Influencers in the Project Design Process

Authors: USAID and Transform PHARE

Publication Year: 2020

Tags: Barriers to contraceptive access, Behavioral economics in SRH programming, Contraception uptake in Côte d’Ivoire and Niger, Contraceptive use in Benin, HCD, and Human-centered design

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Applying Human-Centered Design to Replicate an Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Intervention: A Case Study of Binti Shupavu in Kenya

Applying Human-Centered Design to Replicate an Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Intervention: A Case Study of Binti Shupavu in Kenya

Applying Human-Centered Design to Replicate an Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Intervention: A Case Study of Binti Shupavu in Kenya

Authors: Nancy Njoki, Meghan Cutherell, and Abednego Musau

Publication Year: 2023

Tags: Adolescents 360, Binti Shupavu, HCD, HCD Approach, and HCD for Adolescent services

Downloads: 3

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