HCDExchange Community Member Feature: Youth2Youth Cameroon

HCDExchange Community Member Feature: Youth2Youth Cameroon

Youth 2 Youth (Y2Y) is a youth-led organization in Cameroon that advocates for improved adolescent health awareness. The team is passionate about using technology to solve social problems, and is particularly interested in using human-centered design to create apps...
Structural interventions to enable adolescent contraceptive use in low and middle income countries: What has been evaluated and how should future interventions be developed?

Structural interventions to enable adolescent contraceptive use in low and middle income countries: What has been evaluated and how should future interventions be developed?

Structural interventions to enable adolescent contraceptive use in low and middle income countries: What has been evaluated and how should future interventions be developed?

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2022

Tags: Access to contraceptives for young girls, Adolescent Contraception Use, Adolescent girls, Adolescent pregnancy, AYSRH, Contraception, Contraceptive in low and middle income countries, HCD, Qualitative comparative analysis, reproductive health, SDG 3, Sexual and Reproductive Health Interventions in low and middle income countries, Sexual and Reproductive Health Policies, Sexual Reproductive Health Mindsets, and Structural interventions for adolescent contraceptive use in low and middle income countries

Structural interventions aiming to enable adolescent use of contraception in low- and middle-income countries

Structural interventions aiming to enable adolescent use of contraception in low- and middle-income countries

Structural interventions aiming to enable adolescent use of contraception in low- and middle-income countries

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2022

Tags: Adolescent Contraception Use, Adolescent girls, Adolescent pregnancy, AYSRH, Contraception, Contraceptive in low and middle income countries, HCD, reproductive health, Sexual and Reproductive Health Interventions in low and middle income countries, Sexual and Reproductive Health Policies, and Sexual Reproductive Health Mindsets

Tackling Provider Bias in Contraceptive Service Delivery- Lessons from the Beyond Bias project

Tackling Provider Bias in Contraceptive Service Delivery- Lessons from the Beyond Bias project

Tackling Provider Bias in Contraceptive Service Delivery- Lessons from the Beyond Bias project

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2020

Tags: ASRH insights, AYSRH, Behavior change, Beyond bias, Contraceptive service delivery, Design, family planning, HCD, HCD implementation, HCD Process, Intervention development, Pathfinder International, provider bias, and User synthesis

Supporting Scalable, Youth-Powered Programming at the Community Level in Ethiopia: The Case of Smart Start

Supporting Scalable, Youth-Powered Programming at the Community Level in Ethiopia: The Case of Smart Start

Supporting Scalable, Youth-Powered Programming at the Community Level in Ethiopia: The Case of Smart Start

Authors: Melanie Punton, Emma Mulhern, Gabrielle Appleford

Publication Year: 2019

Tags: Adolescence in Ethiopia, Adolescence trends globally, Adolescents 360, AYSRH, contraception use, Design, Ethiopia, Health Systems, male engagement in family planning, Research for design, Sexual and reproductive landscape in Ethiopia, Smart Start, Smart start implementation, youth advocacy, and Youth powered programming at the community level

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