Generating Insights on needs and challenges of young women at women’s shelter
Eden Befekadu Former HCDExchange YLH Associate Eden Befekadu is a Business Administration student at Western University college which is affiliated with Lincoln University, Oakland, California. She is currently working as a consultant Young Designer at PSI/Ethiopia....Lessons Learned from the A360 Process Evaluation and Practical prototypes for Sharing Results with Young Audiences
Purpose Adolescents 360 (A360/PSI) aims to increase access to and demand for modern contraception for girls aged 15-19, through country-specific interventions developed using human-centered design alongside other disciplines. The project which started in 2016, is run...What does the launch of the Quality and Standards Framework mean for the sector?
The Quality and Standards Framework includes eight principles to guide the effective and inclusive practice of human-centered design in adolescent sexual and reproductive health (HCD+ASRH) programming. It includes simple and actionable tips and resources for the growing HCD+ASRH field of practice.Â