What Do You(th) Think? episode 4: Facilitating community conversations around sexual reproductive health with Priyanka Bhardwaj

January 11, 2022

Priyanka Bhardwaj is a Program Manager with Uninhibited (formerly, Sukhibhava Foundation) where she manages the ‘Hello Saathi’ helpline, a free menstrual and sexual reproductive health telehealth platform. She is also a Period Fellow and works on the PeriodShala project in communities around Bhopal. PeriodShala is an on-the-ground behavioral change program that enables menstruators and their families to make informed choices, dialogue and bridge healthcare gaps. Priyanka has a degree in English Honours from Delhi University. She spends her free time with her dogs or making art. 

In this conversation, Priyanka talks about how to facilitate and create the space for families to have conversations around sexual and reproductive health, how she uses HCD in her ASRH work and the challenges of using the HCD approach particularly in adolescent sexual reproductive health projects. 

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