Understanding how they really feel: Lesson learned from four approaches to soliciting user preferences for new contraceptive products in development

Understanding how they really feel: Lesson learned from four approaches to soliciting user preferences for new contraceptive products in development

Understanding how they really feel: Lesson learned from four approaches to soliciting user preferences for new contraceptive products in development

Authors: Aurélie Brunie and Rebecca Callahan

Publication Year: 2024

Tags: Acceptability, Contraception, family planning, Market research, and User preferences

Cocreating an Evaluation Approach for a Healthy Relationships Program With Community Partners: Lessons Learned and Recommendations

Cocreating an Evaluation Approach for a Healthy Relationships Program With Community Partners: Lessons Learned and Recommendations

Cocreating an Evaluation Approach for a Healthy Relationships Program With Community Partners: Lessons Learned and Recommendations

Authors: Maisha M. Syeda, Meghan Fournie, and Maria C. Ibanez

Publication Year: 2021

Tags: Co-creation, Community collaboration, Community-based participatory research, Trauma-informed, and Vulnerable youths

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