Enhancing maternal health service utilization among highly vulnerable pregnant women through a human-centered design process: Study protocol for a quasi-experimental study in Oromia, Ethiopia

Enhancing maternal health service utilization among highly vulnerable pregnant women through a human-centered design process: Study protocol for a quasi-experimental study in Oromia, Ethiopia

Enhancing maternal health service utilization among highly vulnerable pregnant women through a human-centered design process: Study protocol for a quasi-experimental study in Oromia, Ethiopia

Authors: Yihunie Lakew, Habtamu Tamene, and Daryl Stephens

Publication Year: 2024

Tags: Human-centered design, Maternal and child health, Research protocol, and Service Utilization

Downloads: 4

Enhancing Human-Centered Design With Youth-Led Participatory Action Research Approaches for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming

Enhancing Human-Centered Design With Youth-Led Participatory Action Research Approaches for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming

Enhancing Human-Centered Design With Youth-Led Participatory Action Research Approaches for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming

Authors: Ibidun Fakoya, Claire Cole, and Chris Larkin

Publication Year: 2022

Tags: Enhancing HCD with youth-led participatory action, HCD and youth-led participatory action, and Human-centered design

Downloads: 13

Enhancing Human-Centered Design With Youth-Led Participatory Action Research Approaches for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming

Enhancing Human-Centered Design With Youth-Led Participatory Action Research Approaches for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming

Enhancing Human-Centered Design With Youth-Led Participatory Action Research Approaches for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming

Authors: Ibidun Fakoya , Claire Cole , Chris Larkin

Publication Year: 2022

Tags: Adolescents 360, Human-centered design, and Human-centered design in global health

Downloads: 1

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