Quality and Standards Framework in HCD+ASRH

Publication Year: 2022
Contributing Organisation: HCDExchange,YLabs
Learning Themes: Quality & Standards

Practitioners applying human-centered design (HCD) on adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) are forging a new path of solution development for young people by combining two distinct sectors that work at the nexus of design, public health, and innovation. Given the relative nascency of this practice, there is a lack of robust evidence to determine what are quality approaches to design and implementation in order to achieve desired ASRH outcomes. As the evidence base in this sector continues to build, there is an opportunity to leverage best practices related to ASRH, design, and youth engagement to guide in the creation of quality standards when applying HCD to ASRH interventions.

The framework presented here, developed in partnership with the HCDExchange Community of Practice, draws upon the aforementioned best practices to deliver eight principles with corresponding tips and resources. As a whole, the framework is intended to guide the safe, effective, and inclusive
practice of HCD to ASRH programming. Although these principles were developed for the application of HCD on ASRH interventions, they also have relevancy to broader global health programming.


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