UNICEF works in the world’s toughest places to reach the most disadvantaged children and adolescents – and to protect the rights of every child, everywhere. Across more than 190 countries and territories, we do whatever it takes to help children survive, thrive and fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence.

The world’s largest provider of vaccines, we support child health and nutrition, safe water and sanitation, quality education and skill building, HIV prevention and treatment for mothers and babies, and the protection of children and adolescents from violence and exploitation.

Under the supervision of the SBC Emergency Specialist, ESARO and in close collaboration with the relevant sections, COs the SBC Social and community listening (SCL) Consultant for the ESARO Social and Behavioural Change team will be responsible for supporting the planning, execution, and monitoring of the ESARO SBC social listening strategy across various platforms, generation and utilization of behaviour and social science data on community insights.

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